Privacy Policy


At QUETEBE we are aware of the importance for our clients of obtaining clear and transparent information about the use we make of the information they provide us.

The relationship with our clients is based on honesty, rigor and transparency to build solid relationships and mutual trust. Through this Privacy Policy we detail how we treat your personal data when it relates to us. By visiting our websites you accept and consent to this Privacy Policy.



1. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Identity: Quetebe Engineering SL
CIF: B10546414
Postal address: Avda. Federico García Lorca, 101. Benijófar (03178) Alicante
Phone: 965 99 99 17



2. For what purpose do we process your data?

We process the data that you have provided us with the following purposes:

a) Carry out administrative, accounting and labor functions related to the services requested by you.

b) Send promotional and/or advertising information about services and products, even by electronic means.

c) In order to be able to offer you products and/or services in accordance with your interests and improve your user experience, we will prepare a commercial customer profile based on the information provided. Under no circumstances will automated decisions be made based on said profile.

d) Register your email to receive the newsletter that we periodically deliver to our clients, only if you have expressly requested it.

e) Maintenance of lists of non-commercial shipments in case you have informed us that you do not want to receive promotional/advertising information electronically.

f) Maintenance of data deletion/cancellation lists in case you have exercised your right to cancel your data. These data will remain blocked and with restricted access for the minimum established legal period.

g) Allow the operation of our websites, through technical and functional cookies as detailed in our cookie policy.



3. How long will we keep your data?

Your data will be kept:

1. During the minimum possible legal time (e.g. in the case of billing).

2. In the event that you do not maintain any commercial/commercial relationship with us, that is, there is no billing or services provided to you.

3. In the case of requests for information or consultation: as long as they are necessary to respond to it.

4. For newsletter subscribers, three months after unsubscribing, the email data will be partially deleted (dissociation), remaining only for statistical controls.



4. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

Depending on the type of commercial relationship and/or connection with us, the legal basis for the processing of your personal data may be:

• Your consent, given at the time of voluntarily providing your data in our forms and accepting the processing of your data.

• Legitimate interest will serve as the legal basis for the processing of your data when browsing websites (e.g. browsing our web pages).

• Legal obligation, included in the European Data Protection Regulation and in the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce LSSI (Ex.: blocking of your data and list of non-commercial shipments)



5. Who will we communicate your data to?

a) The data from the inquiry forms will not be delivered to any third party. They are only treated internally at QUETEBE.


In any case, any transfer will exist covered by a contract for commissioning the treatment.

In the event of transfer of your data to third countries, we ensure maximum privacy and security for our clients' data. In this sense, the majority of our suppliers and collaborators are located within the EEA (European Economic Area). If any of them are located outside this area, if it is the United States, it must be covered by the Privacy Shield or in a country with an adequate level of protection in accordance with the criteria of the European Commission. In the case of other countries that do not have laws as strict as European legislation, we apply standard contractual clauses in accordance with the European Commission Decision of February 5, 2010 and treatment commissioning contracts will be signed with these companies.

QUETEBE guarantees that under no circumstances does it sell, offer and/or market with its clients' data.



6. What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain clear and understandable information about whether their personal data is being processed at QUETEBE.

Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request the deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purpose that was delivered as well as withdraw the consent granted. The exercise of opposition to the processing of your data for the sending of advertising information electronically. You can also exercise your right to the limitation of the treatment, so that your data will not be deleted but the processing of them will be subject to limitations.

Portability and decision automation exercises do not apply in this case due to the type of data and their treatment.

The exercise of the aforementioned rights can be done by postal mail, attaching a copy of the DNI or passport, to QUETEBE with address at AVDA. FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA, 101. BENIJÓFAR (03178) ALICANTE, or by email, to indicating the same documentation as by postal mail.



7. Contact

For any questions about the processing of your data, you can contact us at the email address indicated above.

Likewise, you can direct your claims arising from the processing of your personal data to the Spanish control entity, which is the Spanish Data Protection Agency (



Terms and Conditions

Conditions of use of the QUETEBE.COM WEBSITE

These Internet pages and their content are the property of the legitimate owners of this site.

All materials contained on this Site (including, but not limited to, text, logos, content, photographs, audio and video) are protected by Copyright Laws and other related International Laws.

The use of content, images and other material that is subject to copyright protection will be exclusively for educational and informative purposes, and any other use such as profit, reproduction, editing or modification, will be pursued and sanctioned by the respective owner. of Copyright.

It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, transmit, broadcast, or in any way exploit any part of this website without the prior written authorization of QUETEBE.

However, you may download material to your personal computer, tablet or smartphone for exclusively personal or educational and non-commercial use limited to one copy per page. You may not remove or alter from the copy any Copyright legend or that which states the authorship of the material. may contain references to registered trademarks, patents, materials protected by copyright, technologies, products, processes or other intellectual rights owned by QUETEBE and third parties. Under no circumstances are users of our website granted any right or license to use trademarks, patents, copyrighted materials, technologies, products, processes or other intellectual rights.



Use of contents:

The User agrees not to use any of the Content that makes available to carry out activities contrary to the law, morality or public order.

Any announcement or comment, opinion, statement or recommendation made within the active services will belong exclusively to the Users who express such points of view and in no case will it be understood that they come from, which will remain harmless and free of charges against any claim. that arises from the use of these active services by a User in the manner prohibited in this agreement or by law.

The links contained in this website may lead the user to other sites and web pages managed by third parties, over which does not exercise any type of control. is not responsible for the contents or the state of said sites and web pages, and access to them through this website does not imply that recommends them or approves their contents.




Part of the website may contain advertising content or be sponsored. Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the website complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case. will not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that may be contained in advertising or sponsor content. In any case, to file any claim related to the advertising content inserted in this website, you can contact the contact form on the main page or the following email address:



External links: does not assume any responsibility for the external links that, if applicable, could be included in the portal, since it does not have any type of control over them, so the user accesses the content and the conditions of use and privacy policies that govern them.



Intellectual industrial property:

Intellectual and industrial property rights are all rights recognized by intellectual property legislation that have a patrimonial or exploitation nature for any purpose and for any type of use, as well as all rights recognized by industrial property legislation, included in both cases the power to request the appropriate registrations and registrations to obtain or protect these rights (hereinafter, Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights).

The use of all elements subject to industrial and intellectual property for commercial purposes, as well as their distribution, modification, alteration or decompilation, is strictly prohibited.

The infringement of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute a violation of these provisions, as well as a crime punishable in accordance with articles 270 and following of the Spanish Penal Code.

The publication of messages, web pages, storage of files or the public communication of any other content through the "website" implies the recognition in favor of it of a free license with the maximum extent permitted by the legal system. that is applicable, non-exclusive and worldwide to use, copy, sublicense, adapt, transmit, perform or publicly disseminate any of this content, and sublicense to third parties the exercise of any of the above rights, whether in whole or in part.

Claims that may be filed by Users in relation to possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights regarding any of the Contents of this website must be addressed to the following email address:



Applicable law and jurisdiction:

This is a Spanish website and is subject to Spanish laws. may disclose any information about its use.

Access to the website implies acceptance by the user of the provisions of this page. Any dispute relating to said website will be governed by Spanish legislation, with the parties expressly waiving the jurisdiction that corresponds to them, and submitting to the Courts and Tribunals of Alicante.




Headline: Quetebe engineering SL

CIF: B10546414

Address: Avda. Federico García Lorca, 101. Benijófar (03178) Alicante


• Phone: 965 99 99 17





Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 18 p.m.
Tel: 965 999 917



Avenida Federico García Lorca, 101
03178 BENIJOFAR (Alicante)

Collaborating company for the province of Alicante